Install Highstock in a VueJS application using Highcharts

Prerequisite: before reading this tutorial, you need to know how to install, set up and use Highcharts in a VueJS project. Using a stock chart when Highcharts is registered locally If Highcharts is registered locally in the component you want to dislay a chart in, then you’ll have to import the necessary modules at the beginning of your component’s <script> part:

How to Use Highcharts With Vue

In this article, we’ll see how to install Highcharts for a Vue JS app, and how to use it. Please note that it only serves as an introduction, but if it is successful, I’ll gladly write a tutorial that goes deeper in the configuration of Highcharts.

How to watch for changes in Vuex ?

When using the Vuex in VueJS, it can be useful to watch for changes in the store. To do so, you can make use of watch method, like so : 1 2 3 4 5 6 this.$ state => state.parameters, () => { console.

Add the locale at the root of the URL in VueJS (i18n)

How to add the locale (“en”, “fr”, …) at the root of the URL in VueJS? There are several ways of doing it, so let’s review them. We will try to achieve something like that : Please note that we will be using Vue Router & Vue-I18n for internationalization.